The IPSA-ECPR joint conference Whatever Happened to North-South?, hosted by the Brazilian Political Science Association at the U. of Sao Paulo.
The conference will be held from February 16 to 19, 2011.
The Call for Papers will open on Monday, June 28 and close on Friday, August 6, 2010.
Conference Theme: Political Regimes, Democratic Consolidation and the Quality of Democracy [1]Section: Parties, Institutions and the Quality of Democracy [2]
Can NICT enhance the quality of democracies? Latin America’s good practices in e-democracy
Chair: Prof. Marcos Gomes Pereira, email:
Institution: UFMG/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Name: Prof. Sérgio Braga, email:
Institution: UFPR/Universidade Federal do Paraná
The search for deepening democracy has as its basic points the increase of government transparency as well as the creation of deliberative spaces between society and political system. Despite the obstacles arising from the digital divide, the use of new information and communication technologies (NICT) has been expanding in Latin American countries, generating high expectations about the possibility of an increase in the quality of their democracies. Experiences in different countries have shown that expanded forms of political participation have been developed through the use of NICT, promoting new opportunities for interaction between civil society and the political system. These virtual spaces of interaction allow a reduction of informational asymmetry between political system and society, enriching the state actors’ information repertoire about interests and demands of citizens, thereby contributing to the improvement of decision-making processes. This panel seeks to create a space for dialogue to researchers who have produced qualitative and quantitative studies related to different e-democracy practices in countries of the "third wave of democratization," emphasizing "best practices" that can produce effective results in the creation of new and better spaces for political deliberation and participation of citizens in the various institutions that are part of democratic political systems of such countries.
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