21 de dez. de 2012

Pew: Reading Habits in Different Communities

Reading Habits in Different Communities

Reading habitsSeveral surveys by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project reveal interesting variations among communities in the way their residents read and use reading-related technology and institutions:
Book readers: Some 78% of Americans ages 16 and older say they read a book in the past 12 months. Urban (80%) and suburban (80%) residents are especially likely to have read at least one book in the past year. While rural residents are somewhat less likely to have read a book in the past year (71%), the book readers in rural areas read as many books as their counterparts in cities and suburbs.
Purposes for reading: Most of those ages 16 and older read books for pleasure, and that is especially true of suburban readers: 82% of suburbanites read for pleasure, compared with 79% of urban residents and 76% of rural residents. Urban residents (80%) and suburban dwellers (79%) are also especially likely to read to keep up with current events. Some 73% of rural residents do that. More than three-quarters of suburban residents (77%) read to research topics that interest them, compared with 74% of urban residents and 70% of rural residents. Finally, 57% of suburbanites and 58% of city dwellers read for school or work, compared with 47% of rural residents who do that.

18 de dez. de 2012

Artigo: party politics

Ultimo numero da party politics publicou um artigo do Cristian Vaccari sobre os partidos políticos norte-americanos e a internet:

A tale of two e-parties: Candidate websites in the 2008 US presidential
Cristian Vaccari
Party Politics 2013;19 19-40

17 de dez. de 2012

Artigos: Debates: http://seer.ufrgs.br/debates/issue/view/1950/showToc

Último número da revista Debates publicou artigos de interesse para pesquisadores em internet:

Indicação do C. Fuchs

Referência do Cristian Fuchs, aulas de Manuel Castells e David Harvey no Occupy Wall Street: http://raphaelfrancoart.wordpress.com/2011/12/05/david-harvey-and-manuel-castells-speech-at-occupy-london/

Deadline: 15/01/2013

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, in partnership with the FACTS Initiative, is pleased to announce a call for proposals on local democratic innovations. Contribute and send an abstract on any innovative project or initiative on governance, participation and accountability at the local and national levels. It can be selected to be published in a special issue of the FACTS Reports to be released in the summer 2013.
Send a 300-word abstract of your proposed paper, in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese, with your CV and a one paragraph biographical statement before 15 January 2013.



7 de dez. de 2012

Pew: Data sets: Politics online & Cell phones

In this email, you will find new data sets that have recently been posted to our website. Our data sets are available in several formats, including SPSS, CSV, crosstab, topline, and questionnaire.
We just published five new data sets — dig in!

4 de dez. de 2012

2 de dez. de 2012

Dica da TT

Seguem algumas dicas sempre interessantes de sites na internet na TT: