29 de mar. de 2013

Brazil will host the next PCST conference

The International Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference is coming to Latin America for the first time in 2014 and will be held in Salvador, Brazil, between 5 - 8 May. Previous conferences have been located in every other continent around the world.  PCST 2014’s main theme is “Science communication for social inclusion and political engagement”.

28 de mar. de 2013


Pew Research Center makes its data available to the public for secondary analysis.


26 de mar. de 2013

Tools: http://socialfresh.com/facebook-page-competitive-analysis-tools/

Special Issue: Topics in Survey Measurement and Public Opinion

Have you read the latest special issue from POQ on Topics in Survey Measurement and Public Opinion? The issue is a compilation of papers that cover a range of topics relevant to measurements in surveys, including research on public opinion and attitudes, questions and questionnaires, as well as interviewers and interviewing. The entire issue is free to read online.

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24 de mar. de 2013

BIB: Número especial sobre pesquisa em mídias sociais


We are pleased to inform you that the COST double special issue "Methods for Analyzing Social Media" (guest edited by Klaus Bredl, Julia Hünniger and Jakob Linaa Jensen) has been published in the Journal of Technology in Human Services, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, 01 Jul 2012 and is now available on Taylor & Francis Online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wths20/30/3-4

21 de mar. de 2013

Monitoramento de midias socais

Inscrições para eventos de metodologia no Comitê Gestor

Dos 21 membros do CGI.br, nove são indicados pelo Governo e 12 são da Sociedade Civil em três segmentos: comunidade científica e tecnológica (3 membros), terceiro setor (4), segmento empresarial (4) e um notório saber. (http://www.cgi.br/sobre-cg/membros.htm).

No NIC.br, que implementa as decisões e projetos do CGI.br, está o CETIC.br, que produz essas pesquisas. O CETIC.br tem acordos de cooperação de uso dos dados com algumas universidades, além de um grupo de especialistas para cada pesquisa TIC (Domicílios, Empresas, Provedores, Crianças, etc.) que auxiliam nas etapas de ajustes dos questionários (alguns exemplos de quem faz parte desses grupos estão no slide 5 desse pdf: http://www.cetic.br/usuarios/kidsonline/2012/apresentacao-tic-kids-2012.pdf).

Aliás, estão abertas as inscrições da III Semana NIC.br de Metodologias de Pesquisa: http://cetic.br/semana-metodologias-pesquisas/.

14 de mar. de 2013

Eleições Obama

Dica do Samuel: análise das eleições do Obama pelo MIT: uma análise do MIT

Dica: Excelente programa do Banco Mundial

Running until the end of this month, the World Bank has launched an online conversation on citizen engagement. Shedding light on the question of when, why and how participation works is precisely the objective of this initiative. The outcomes of this open dialogue are expected to 1) inform how the Bank approaches the issue of citizen engagement, and 2) support the development of an evaluation framework for Bank projects on ICT mediated citizen engagement. Join the conversation!


Call for papers: ten years of facebook

Call for Papers

Themed Issue of New Media and Society: ‘10 years of Facebook’

Guest editors: Siân Lincoln, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Brady Robards, Griffith University, Australia

In early 2014 Facebook will have been online for ten years. Over the past ten years, Facebook has accumulated over a billion users globally, has achieved an estimated market value of over $100 billion, and has consistently been the most used social network site when compared to its competitors to the point of ubiquity. For many, Facebook has transformed the ways in which we communicate with each other in practically every aspect of our lives. Facebook has also attracted harsh criticism from users for its approach to privacy and transparency, and is regularly at odds with governments and other institutions over regulation and control. Facebook blurs traditional lines between what is private and what is public, while often complicating social relations by naming them and making them visible. The implications associated with the social network’s rise to dominance are complex and sometimes challenging, from both the micro levels of the individual through to the macro levels of society more broadly.

In this themed issue ‘10 years of Facebook’ we wish to explore the current ‘state of play’ with regards to the social, cultural and political significance of Facebook. Our aim is to bring together current academic debates surrounding this ubiquitous social network site to assess how, after ten years in existence, Facebook has made its mark on contemporary society as a space for social, cultural and political interactions. In addition, we wish to explore new and emerging approaches to the study of Facebook that interrogate the often complex relationships between the site, its users and everyday contexts.

We welcome short 250 word abstracts that reflect on ‘10 years of Facebook’, taking stock of the impact the site has had on contemporary social life. While attending to this broad aim, proposed articles will also need to address a more specific theme. Potential themes include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Identity
  • Performance and representation
  • Youth cultures and subcultures
  • Privacy
  • Friendship
  • Relationships
  • Fandom
  • Age/ageing
  • Before life and after life
  • Political activism
  • Social movements
  • Regulation and control
  • Trolling
Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted to Siân Lincoln (s.lincoln@ljmu.ac.uk) by Wednesday 10th April 2013. On the basis of these short abstracts, invitations to submit full papers (of no more than 8000 words) will then be sent out in late April. Full papers will be due by August 31, and will undergo the usual New Media & Society peer review procedure. Invitation to submit a full paper in no way guarantees acceptance into the issue.

12 de mar. de 2013

Open government

UNPAN- United Nations Public Administration Network
Check out the 1st version of the Open Government Data for Citizen Engagement in Managing Development Toolkit (OGDCE Toolkit) released by UNPAN! Also don't forget to leave any suggestions and comments!http://bit.ly/YAhlv2

9 de mar. de 2013

Lançamento Compolítica

Caros leitores,

A revista Compolítica acaba de publicar sua mais nova edição, disponível em <http://compolitica.org/revista/index.php/revista>. Convidamos todos a navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e outros itens de seu interesse.

Agradecemos seu contínuo apoio a nosso trabalho,

Revista Compolítica ||

v. 2, n. 2 (2012): Compolítica

3 de mar. de 2013

Deadline: DEL symposium

DEL symposium "Online political participation and its critics" : blog opening and Twitter account
In partnership with the ECPR Standing Group "Internet&Politics", the DEL research network is organizing the international symposium "Online political participation and its critics" on 19 and 20 June in Paris.

A blog (both in French and English) has been set up, on which you will find the programme and useful information :

DEL also has un twitter account : @reseauDEL to which you are cordially invited to subscribe :)

Bib: conceito de participação

Dicado do Rafael: Estava procurando pelo artigo : "The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate?"

E acabei achando outro dossie interessante do ano passado. Inclusive contando com artigos de alguns colegas aqui da lista. :)

Enjoy. ;)

Lançamento: 50 anos esfera pública em Habermas

Caros leitores,

Problemata acaba de publicar seu último número em
http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/problemata. Convidamos você a
navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de interesse.

Agradecemos seu interesse em nosso trabalho,

A Equipe Editorial

v. 3, n. 2 (2012): Dossiê Esfera Pública 50 Anos Depois

        Organizadores / Edited By: Jorge Adriano Lubenow Bartolomeu Leite da