12 de out. de 2009

Hansard Society - eDemocracy Programme, Hansard Society

Are you passionate about the potential for digital media to transform politics and democracy?

The eDemocracy Programme is looking to appoint a Researcher. The successful candidate will have a relevant research-based qualification and an emerging track-record of work in one or more of the programme's key discipline areas, most notably digital engagement and/or online political communication.

You will have developed an intuitive grasp of emerging digital technologies and trends and be able to demonstrate experience in research design, data collection methods (including interviews, focus groups and surveys) and data analysis (qualitative and quantitative).

You will have good written and verbal communication skills including the ability to convey complex ideas and information succinctly to a range of audiences, in writing and in person.The Hansard Society's eDemocracy Programme has led the way in understanding how digital media affect and transform the way democracy works. From the internet's impact on parliament, to better government engagement with citizens and the potential for civil society to harness digital media, our thought-leading research has been a formative part of an emergent digital Britain. Today, we undertake research and produce publications and commentaries that deliver value and push the boundaries of digital democracy.

Our work is about democratic innovation. Focusing on online political communication and citizen engagement, our work explores the many faces of digital inclusion, citizen engagement, political campaigning and parliamentary process. For more information and to download an application pack, please go to: www.hansardsociety.org.uk/vacancies

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