3 de dez. de 2009

eParticipation Conference: Current State of Play & Future Directions

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
European Parliament - Bruxelles-Capital

The projects co-funded by the EC under the eParticipation Preparatory Action are organising an eParticipation Conference, which will be held in Brussels on Tuesday, 15th of December.
The development and wide use of powerful new ICT applications is transforming the way citizens and civil society interact, debate and participate in public life. These new tools have enormous potential to enhance decision-making processes by involving large numbers of EU citizens.

As the eParticipation Preparatory Action, an initiative of the European Parliament launched in 2006, reaches its conclusion, this eParticipation Conference is being organized to demonstrate progress and results in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to enhance citizens’ participation in democratic decision-making.

In parallel, there will be an exhibition of project results produced in the context of the Preparatory Action.

Agenda and registration:

In the registration form, to the question which project are you representing, please select IDEAL-EU.

Marion Ben-Hammo
Chargée de mission coordination démocratie participative
Direction Formation-Education

Tel: 05 49 38 47 29
Interne: 3529

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